Arca Jeth (5)Full unit name: Jeth, Arca
Last updated: 11.06.2024 23:24:26
Basic info
First appearance: Tales of the Jedi : Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon
Included into
Tales of the Jedi, Volume 1
Species: Arkanian Offshoot
Arkanian Offshoot
Sentient Species
Known Facts (5)
The End of the Beast Wars of Onderon (4000BBY) (1) »
Secret Signals (2) »
  • Knowledge and personality was imprinted in Noetikon of Science
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Arca Jeth
    The fractal structure requires that it be removed from the-
    Vandar Tokare
    With all respect, Master Arca, you are incorrect. The structure only appears fractal. If you view it through the lens of the Force....
    Tharis Orne
    I don't suppose either of you is going to move past your petty geometrical squabble long enough to notice we have a visitor.
    Sorry to disturb such illustrious Masters, but I am in need of information.
    Tharis Orne
    No need to apologize, Jedi. They have a tendency to get carried away. The last person to use the Noetikon got so tired of hearing these two yammer he shut us down. It was a mercy.
    Arca Jeth
    Wait, Master Tharis. Where is the Jedi Temple? We seem to have been moved.
    The temple has been destroyed, and its contents ransacked. Awareness, personality... I've seen similar holograms, but nothing as sophisticated as this Noetikon.
    Vandar Tokare
    It is more like a virtual intelligence than a holographic recording. Master Tharis developed it.
    Tharis Orne
    You are too generous, Master Vandar. It was Master Arca who implemented my sketches.
    Arca Jeth
    It seems much has changed since we were last activated, and not for the better.
    The Jedi Temple was not the only thing hit, and the Jedi have had their hands full rebuilding Coruscant.
    Vandar Tokare
    I understand. Difficult times require difficult choices.
    Masters, I've come seeking help for my own Master, Yuon Par. She's suffering a mysterious illness.
    Vandar Tokare
    How terrible. Come, tell us her symptoms. Perhaps we can help.
    Arca Jeth
    So she claims "the darkness is coming," and talks of someone called "Parkanas." And her mind is most affected... hmm.
    Tharis Orne
    I'm afraid we've plied our extensive knowledge of biological, chemical and technological diseases, but this illness is beyond us.
    Where do we go from here?
    Vandar Tokare
    Sometimes knowledge comes through ruling out false ideas.
    Arca Jeth
    For once, Master Vandar and I agree. Yuon's illness is definitely not medical. But we have accessed files that bear cross-checking. If you can find the Noetikon of Light, where Masters Noab, Nomi and Wole guard the Jedi Order's mystical knowledge, they may be able to help.
    I appreciate your advice.
    Arca Jeth
    I'm sorry we couldn't have been of more help - but it's difficult without the other parts of the Noetikon.
    Vandar Tokare
    Find the Noetikon of Light and seek your answer there. May the Force be with you - and remember, if you seek answers, you must always ask questions.
  • Tharis Orne, Vandar Tokare, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
Ancient Secrets (2) »
  • Knowledge and personality was imprinted in Noetikon of Science
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    This is it--the database where the ritual that can shield your Master from the plague is kept.
    Vandar Tokare
    A stellar work, one part computer, one part holocron. Truly ingenious.
    Noab Hulis
    Masters, you know why we've gathered.
    The Jedi Order is imperiled by an ancient plague - one that warps the minds of even the wisest of Masters and turns them to the dark side.
    Nomi Sunrider
    This young Jedi has stepped forward in search of a way to help her ailing Master and save the Jedi Order.
    Bastila Shan
    But it cannot be done without our help.
    Vandar Tokare
    Millennia ago, a powerful ritual was developed to shield the Jedi from the power of this ancient plague.
    Tharis Orne
    The ritual cut off the plaguemaster from his victims, but it exacted a great price from the healer who wielded it.
    Jesper Altax
    It is once again necessary for someone to use the ritual.
    Wole Vahn
    The ritual is a difficult one to learn, Jedi, and will take many hours of deep meditation and study.
    Arca Jeth
    Are you ready to learn it?
    Yes. I am ready, Master.
    Bastila Shan
    Then open your mind, and we will teach you....
    Arca Jeth
    You seem to have mastered everything we have to show you, Jedi.
    Nomi Sunrider
    Such a bright, inquisitive mind. It has been an honor to teach you.
    Vandar Tokare
    But remember - the shielding ritual will draw on your strength, and you can only regain what you've spent when the plaguemaster's bond with his victims is broken.
    How do I break the bond between plaguemaster and victim?
    Death was what broke the hold of the original plaguemaster, Terrak Morrhage. But there may be another way.
    Noab Hulis
    You now have the knowledge you need to save your Master. Use it wisely and well, and may the Force be with you.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Bastila Shan, Jesper Altax, Chamma, Nomi Sunrider, Noab Hulis, Wole Vahn, Tharis Orne, Vandar Tokare
Arca Jeth was an Arkanian
Arkanian Offshoot
Sentient Species
male Jedi Master
Jedi Master
with Sephi blood who served the Galactic Republic as Watchman of the Onderon
worlds on behalf of the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
. From his skill with the lightsaber to his mastery of the Force, Jeth was revered as one of the wisest and most powerful Jedi of his day, and was hailed by his kinsmen as a champion of the Arkanian race. Jeth primarily resided on his homeworld of Arkania, where he instructed many of the era's most prominent Jedi in the ways of the Force.
Arca Jeth created the Noetikon of Science
Noetikon of Science
, one of three such devices
that nearly cataloged the entirety of the Jedi Archives. A measure of Jeth's personality was incorporated in holographic form alongside two other Masters, the three of them representing the "Jedi spirit of scientific inquiry." During the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
, the wisdom of the Masters of all three Noetikons, including Jeth, was called upon to save the life of Jedi Master Yuon Par
Yuon Par
Supporting Characters


See also
Related units, characters and other technologies
The SunGem
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Jedi Order
Jedi Master
Known technologies which contained a personality of this character
Noetikon of Science
All characters this character met
Bastila Shan
Nomi Sunrider
Qyzen Fess
Vandar Tokare
Noab Hulis
Jesper Altax
Tharis Orne
Wole Vahn
Created the following weapons, equipment and technologies
Noetikon of Science
Complete list

Full unit name: Jeth, Arca Last updated: 11.06.2024 23:24:26